Having an issue with your unit?
Please fill out the form below, and one of our maintenance personnel will contact you shortly.
If this is an emergency, then you can also try to reach us using one of our emergency numbers

Client Queries

  • Please enter your name
  • Please enter a phone number where you can be reached
  • (optional) An email address where you can be reached
  • Which Condo / Unit is this issue related to?
  • (optional) single line description of the issue
  • Please describe the issue. Be as specific as possible, include any related information such as device location, model, when did the issue first occur, etc.

Simco Management (Edmonton) Inc.
#100, 10310 - 176 Street
Edmonton, AB
T5S 1L3

(780) 455-4111 office
Emergency Contact Numbers

Colin Barriere 777-8564
Calvin Laderoute 780 722 4430
Christine Pratt 699-1514